At first, I didn't know what I was going to write about but, I think I know now.
Almost Two Years Ago
I met my now husband.
A Year and about Six Months Ago
My now husband proposed to me in Kansas..
(well, actually Missouri).
(well, actually Missouri).
Six Months Ago Yesterday
My husband and I got married.
I am not one to count months, or days, or weeks, for some reason though, I feel like these are really important milestones in my life. In my husbands life as well.
So much has happened in the last almost two years of knowing each other. We have had a lot of trials, and a lot of blessings. I don't think either of us could have gone through all we have been through without each other, and our Heavenly Father.
I've been realizing that life goes by quicker than you think. I cannot believe that six months of marriage has already passed. Next thing I know it is gonna be a year, then 5, then 25 and so on.
After Halloween is over, my favorite time of the year starts. (Minus the cold)
Side note - to let you all know I am not the biggest fan of Holidays. I never really have been. I don't know where it comes from. I just have a hard time getting excited about things like birthdays, Valentines, Halloween, and all the other little random holidays. I love celebrating others birthdays though...just not mine. Ever since I could remember I always went to pick out my own gifts for my birthdays, and what my parents gave me for Christmas. Not to mention that Santa always had a really specific list, and a little helper to make sure I got exactly what I wanted. I always loved watching everyone open or see their gifts more than opening and seeing my own. It was never that important to me to see what I was getting. I don't like surprises...AT ALL. I really stink at giving good reactions to presents even if I love them.
Anyways, back to my favorite time of the year starting. Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like New Years as well just not big celebrations. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday ever. I think because it is a holiday needing to involve gifts. It is just about family, eating lots of food, and giving thanks. I love Christmas because I start seeing the good in people. It comes out once a year and its awesome. I also can see the very worst in people as well. That just comes with the territory of gifting, and finding the best deals etc. I am excited and nervous to see what this year has to offer in the way of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have spent one Thanksgiving away from home, and this will be my first Christmas not at home. I am excited to be with my husband for the holiday season. He is great at making holidays special.
This post is kind of all over the place yes...but hey that's what you will probably get from me quite often.
So, to end the post here are a few pictures
of our dogs and their matching Halloween Costumes!
Have a great day. Hope I didn't bore you!